How do you take care of a leather jacket?

Winter is here, and so are leather jackets. Nothing is better and trensy than wearing leather jackets in winter. But the most important is to keep them maintained and as clean as possible. The leather jacket makes itself worthy of a good purchase.
Born in the 1900s and then adpated by the german army in world war 2, the trend of the leather jacket grew more and more with time. From different styles of biker jacket, bomber jacket, racer jacket , faux jacket to flight jacket and moto jacket, it was intended to provide comfort and warmth along with the style.
Keeping your leather jacket neat and tidy:
The most improtant thing is to keep your leather jacket as clean as possible. In order to avoid a bad odor, and to make sure that your leather jacket is supple and soft along with smelling great, you should follow all the necessary instructions handed along with the leather jacket. In case you are looking for a complete guideline and tips for cleaning the leather jacket, here are some tips for you.
Use leather conditioner:
The leather jacket naturally stay alive when oiling is done
properly, and that should be maintained. It should be kept to mind that too
much oiling can clog the pores and damage the value of the leather. The natural animal oiling can be best suited
for nutbuck or suede jackets. In this case hydrate the leather with a good
conditioner that does not contain silicon or wax as it can dry out the leather
and make it rough. Mineral oil and petroleum is also not good for the leather
Avoid keeping the leather wet:
It should be kept in mind that wearing leather jackets should be avoided in rain so that it does not get wet. In case it gets wet anyhoe, dry it out immediately.
Hang your jacket correctly:
The most improtant thing that we ignore to do is to hanger it properly. Most people keep it folded which can result in creases and cracks. Sometimes leather is hanged along with other clothes which stops it from beathing properly along with being too congested in the closet. It should be properly hanged and spaced from other clothes. Wire hangers are also not good for the jacket as they cause unwanted bumps and uneven parts in the shoulder area of the leather.
Avoid heat:
Exposure to direct sunlight can cause discoloration. Leather jacket should be kept away from fire, hear, sunlight, iron, heating devices or vent, radiator and steaming devices. If there is a severe need for jacket to be pressed then do not iron, instead take it to an expert dry cleaner who specialises in the treatment of leather of all kinds. Or see YouTube hacks on how to umwrinkle a leather jacket. Here you can find some pretty good ideas.
Polishing your leather jacket
There are many good quality leather balsam available in the market. In case your jacket has lost the shine then avoid applying shoe polish to it. Shoe polish can show immediate good results but in the long run it will mist definately damage the leather by clogging the pores
Removing mould from the leather:
As i mentioned earlier that mould can affect the leather more frequently than you think. This is due to the reason if leather jacket is kept in a damp or wet environment. There are different sorts of moulds from bkack green to grey or white fluffy mildrew. The good thing is to make a solution of rubbing alcohol with water. Dampen a neat and clean cloth with the mixed solution and neatly clean off the moulded area. Then take another damp cloth with only water and clean off again. Then clean it with dry cloth. Another hack is to take a damp cloth and make a mixture of, warm water, baking soda, liquiad dish soap and a few drops of white vinegar, to clean the mildrew or mould.
Leather jacket smells like cigarettes:
Place your jacket on a strong robust hanger and hang it in
the washing machine on a warm, dry day. If that's not enough, wipe down the
jacket with a 50/50 solution of water and vinegar, then apply a good leather conditioner.
In case the leather jacket is dusty:
In case leather gets dusty then, dust the jacket with a gentle brush or fabric. in case your leather jacket has been sitting in the closet for a while then, it might need a little dusting. To keep away from scuffing or damaginf the leather, you can use a dry cotton cloth, nubuck material, or camel hair brush. Moreover Make a soapy water mixture and use a soft, clean sponge to gently wash away dirt, dust, and debris. Wash away the dirt in a gentle circular motion. Do not scrub or soak. It can damage the leather.
How to shrink a leather jacket without damaging it:
One way to shrink a leather jacket is to soak it in hot or cold water and briefly dry it in a clothes dryer. This won't ruin your leather jacket, but it goes against all advice on handling leather. If you try to shrink a leather jacket, the results are likely to be very good or bad, and the jacket will then require a great deal of maintenance to restore its natural oils. go to an expert and ask for their opinion. Because, of course, all leathers are different.
Keep leather away from pesticides:
Pesticides damage leather. Leather can absorb pesticides. In this case, you may not even be able to get rid of odors and poisons from your jacket. Also, mothballs and similar household pesticides are most effective in small containers, which are not ideal homes for leather.